Eight ways to avoid common WMS implementation mistakes
“The steps you take to turn on your WMS system need to be choreographed like a Broadway musical. Put it on paper; make sure everyone knows what is going to happen when.”
By Robert C. Kennedy
WMS systems continue to evolve with new features and functions designed to meet the very dynamic challenges of distribution dictated by a global supply chain with the consumer at its core. However, thirty plus years since the term WMS was first coined, as the software has gotten so much better, implementations continue to show a high rate of failure, even with the lowest defined bar of simply bringing the system into production. But why?
Ultimately, the reasons for failure can be summarized into eight fundamental areas that can make or break the project. Here are some guidelines to avoid some common pitfalls.
1. Let the software work the way it works.
Even after decades of product evolution, all implementations continue to require some software enhancements. The amount and extent will vary based on the capabilities of the software out of the box, but also on the ability and willingness of the customer to adapt their processes. But consider that even after rigorous detailed design sessions and multiple bouts of testing, it is highly probable that introducing new code into an implementation project will impact the budget and schedule, and ultimately, will cause trouble at Go-Live. So make enhancements where necessary, but don’t overdo it.
2. Avoid scope creep.
Every software product will include slick new features that you do not currently have but would like to. It is tempting to want to grab each new capability and treat it like it is a core requirement, just like a kid in a candy store. Be careful. This leads to scope creep, impacting both financial and schedule considerations. Meet your business requirements first, and then you can go wild with additional capabilities on your own time.
3. Staff your project teams adequately.
Most projects are understaffed both by the vendor and the customer. Customer resources who know the operation at the deepest detail are often seen as too important to be removed from their “day job” and dedicated to the project. As a result, you end up with a solution that is designed by resources who do not know their operations well enough. Sometimes you simply must bite the bullet and bring your best and brightest to the table when they are needed and for as long as they are needed – but not a minute longer.
4. Stick to the project schedule but remember the ultimate goal.
“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up some place else.”
The famous quote from Yogi Berra, in his unique way, captures the importance of having a plan and a proven process for execution. Even before vendor selection, it is important for everyone involved to understand why you are looking at a WMS. Staying true to those goals will guide you through the decision-making process as the project proceeds. Having an execution plan and schedule will ensure that you meet those goals. Projects fail when customers stray from the goal and aren’t disciplined to stay true to the plan.
5. Invest in comprehensive testing.
Project plans traditionally looked at testing as a separate task, to be conducted when the software is delivered and configured. The best investment is to use a structured, formal process that forces discipline and standards into the conduct of the project from start to finish. In addition, it is not always obvious that you should include test scripts that challenge not just the software, but the configuration, the data, and the system performance. A comprehensive day-in-the-life testing scheme that uses real data and approximates actual volumes is the truest way to bring it all together and ensure you are in the best position for your opening week.
6. Go beyond the basics when training your workforce.
As with testing, training is an investment. Training is about more than just the basic understanding of the system. It needs to establish that your workforce is confident using the system, so that they are through the curve at the outset. This effort takes time and costs money. But it’s an investment that will more than pay for itself as you move into production.
7. Don’t underestimate the importance of marketing and managing change.
“Tell them what you are going to tell them. Then tell them. Then tell them what you told them.”
I became associated with this quote over the years. It speaks to the fact that you cannot over communicate what is happening. A new system rips your workforce out of their comfort zone, creating resistance. When you market the change to your workforce – that is, when you openly communicate what is going to happen and why – you create the atmosphere for an easier transition into a new comfort zone. When the system goes live, you will be better served if the workforce sees themselves as part of the team.
8. Develop a conversion plan early on in the process.
The steps you take to turn on your WMS system need to be choreographed like a Broadway musical. Put it on paper; make sure everyone knows what is going to happen when. Developing a conversion plan early in the process helps projects successfully invest time into planning and managing the conversion effectively. The plan needs to include steps you will take to prepare the workforce and your customers for what is coming. It includes how you manage orders the first few days when the learning curve is at its steepest, and how you deploy your resources on the floor to quickly react to issues as they appear.
WMS implementations are difficult and can put your business at risk. Your plan for implementation must balance the risk with the new capabilities. In our eBook, The Basics of WMS, we go into further depth on common implementation problems and highlight the importance of investing people, time, and money into every aspect of a project.
If you can’t make these kinds of investments on your own, there is always plenty of consulting help available. Learn more about RC Kennedy Consulting’s BLITZ program — a quick, top-to-bottom assessment of your operation. You can also always contact us at info@rcksc.com. Once we know what your needs are, we can connect you with the right people from our network of experts.