It’s Always Personal
The older I become, having spent most of my career working with customers to implement WMS systems, the more I realize that my job at its core is about getting along with people.
RC Kennedy Consulting announces partnership with TransImpact
RC Kennedy Consulting is excited to announce a business partnership with TransImpact, an industry leader offering shippers the expertise to reveal potential savings in their parcel shipping costs.
The Surprising Brittleness of AI
Mary (Missy) Cummings, Ph.D., analyzes just why AI is struggling to gain traction in safety-critical systems and how the roadmap to success would need to change to achieve positive outcomes.
Supply chain is finally cool
Whether you call it distribution, warehousing, logistics, or supply chain, the fact is until very recently supply chain was boring and nerdy. Here’s why that’s changed over the last three decades.
RC Kennedy Consulting announces partnership with MBO Ventures
Thinking of selling your company? Could an ESOP be the right choice? MBO Ventures is a leader in managing Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) for companies.
New eBook: The Basics of WMS
A new eBook from RC Kennedy Consulting provides a brief introduction to WMS technology as well as guidance on how to find the right system and approach implementation challenges.
RC Kennedy Consulting announces partnership with Koerber Supply Chain Consulting
RC Kennedy Consulting announces a partnership with Koerber Supply Chain Consulting to participate in the marketing and sale of the award-winning STEPLogic suite of products.
RC Kennedy Consulting announces partnership with Knosc Inc.
RC Kennedy Consulting is excited to announce a business partnership with Knosc Inc. to support their supply chain planning software platform.